Sign in/Sign upUser centerRemaining:0Recent taskInviteLog outLanguage简体中文English日本语EspañolFrancésAPIPriceHili PhotoEnhance is a photo repair and retouching tool, that uses AI algorithms to automatically colorize black& white photos, repair old photos, and optimize blurred out-of-focus photos.
Upload Images(Multiple images are optional)
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Enhance color photo 清晰度修复 画质修复
Change background color of ID photo Enhance face 尺寸放大
Colorize black&white photo Repair scratched 去雾化
Lossless amplification
Case Display
Enhance color photo
Colorize black&white photo
Colorize black&white photo
Enhance color photo
Common Problem
Preparation before repair 1. Rotate the photo to the correct angle and cut off the useless edges, which can greatly improve the AI repair effect.

2. The photo that is already in color does NOT need to be colored again: As AI repair is an algorithmic restoration, it will be different from the original image, and it will be inconsistent with the original image after it is colored again. Therefore, it is recommended that color photos do not need to be colored.
3. After paying, you can download the complete picture without a watermark in high-definition. The payment means that you have agreed to the effect of the comparison picture. The same photo (photo of the same format, size) only needs to pay once. If the photo does not enter your photo album after it is displayed, please manually long-press the photo to save it into your photo album. If you still cannot save it, please add our QQ group (623946846) for assistance.
what is the AI repair ? AI repair of photos is the use of artificial intelligence technology to repair pictures, making old pictures glow with new vitality. For example, before the 1980s, many videos and photos were in black and white. AI repair technology can be used to repair old black and white photos with yellow and blurry pictures, and old black and white photos can be restored into color digital photos. You can also use AI technology to supplement the details of the originally blurred photos to restore high-definition photos.
What is the principle of AI photo repair? AI will automatically learn and remember the color of these key information, such as leaves are green, human faces are skin color, etc. Therefore, it can quickly start to colorize scenes in black and white photos. AI learns through algorithms and training of a large number of existing pictures. First perform image segmentation on the photo to distinguish landmark objects. For example, trees, sky, human faces, clothing... Although it is difficult to be perfect, the restored old photos can still give people a lot of surprises.
PS: Because AI repair is the "experience" of algorithm learning and the result of deduction, it will be different from real photos and real scenes.
What kind of photo is suitable for AI repair? Black and white photos, blurry portrait photos, headshots, half-length photos, etc.
What photos are not suitable for AI? Since blurry photo repairing sharpness is mainly for the training of photos of people, photos of pure scenery without people can be colored, but sharpness cannot be repaired.
The original photo is too blurry, or the portrait of the person in the original photo is too small, or the photo itself is too small to be repaired.
Text-only pictures cannot be repaired. Since no special training has been carried out for text-only pictures, and no targeted algorithms have been designed, it is impossible to repair text-only pictures.
Can the old video be repaired? Of course, this is our corporate service, you can contact
case show:

type people comic landscape
options defogging remove scratch
output 300DPI(for print)
type people photo comic image landscape
options defogging remove scratch AI colorize AI colorize(beta)
output 300DPI(for print)
background blue white red trans(cutout background)
options enhance face
output 300DPI(for print)
background gradient gray 新农合(渐变蓝)
options enhance face
output 300DPI(for print)
Start task now
Scan the QR code on WeChat to download HD images without watermark 【Package purchase】
Manual finishing
Hello, thank you for supporting highlight photo optimization! Please leave your contact information and we will take the initiative to contact you.
I have read and agreeService statement Submit
3 photo = ¥49.8Expiry:one yearPrioritize:YESSize:6000pxOld repair:YESBatch:NOWechatRebate
10 photos = ¥150Expiry:one yearPrioritize:YESSize:6000pxOld repair:YESBatch:YESWechatRebate
50 photos = ¥400Expiry:one yearPrioritize:YESSize:6000pxOld repair:YESBatch:YESWechatRebate
200 photos = ¥1000Expiry:one yearPrioritize:YESSize:6000pxOld repair:YESBatch:YESWechatRebate
For lower prices, please join the QQ group (623946846) for consultation
URL /api/third/uploads
Method POST
Header token: 加密生成的token,加密规则见附1
field	type	required	commit
third_code	string	Y	线下申请的第三方标识third_code
seq	string	Y	任务参数, 多值以英文逗号连接, 可选参数: repair, colour, sr, bg, scratch, defogging
type	string	N	图像类型, 默认 people, 可选参数: people, cortoon, landscape, portrait, text
file	file	Y	图像文件, 可传多次
rate	int	N	超分倍数, 默认 0, 可选参数: 2, 4, 8
rgb	string	N	底色值, bg in seq 时必传, 可选参数: -1, 1, 235,51,35(红), 85,142,213(蓝), 255,255,255(白)
dpi	int	N	分辨率, 300DPI则传300
platform	string	Y	平台, 可选参数: pc, h5, mp, ios, baidu, zijie, douyin, alipay
clientip	string	N	客户端IP
mdf	string	N	再次处理, 必传, 可传多次
curl --location --request POST '' --header 'token: xxx' --form 'third_code="test"' --form 'seq="bg"' --form 'file=@"/VSCode/image/3c6b4b786c1159441a94e3508c36508b.png"' --form 'rgb="1"' --form 'platform="pc"'
field	commit
img_url	上传图片的url
mdf	图片的唯一标识
    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "mdf": [
errno	commit
9999	请求参数token不合法
9101	剩余下载次数为0
9001	传入参数错误
9005	文件上传类型不支持
9006	上传失败
9009	图片异常,处理失败
    "code": 9000,
    "errno": 9005,
    "msg": "文件上传类型不支持"
URL /api/third/status
Method POST
Header token: 加密生成的token,加密规则见附1
field	type	required	commit
third_code	string	Y	线下申请的第三方标识third_code
mdf	string	Y	文件唯一标识
platform	string	Y	平台, 可选参数: pc, h5, mp, ios, baidu, zijie, douyin, alipay
curl --location --request POST '' --header 'token: xxx' --form 'third_code="test"' --form 'mdf="9804b4cb5b4740fb26afde5f2831c0f5"' --form 'platform="pc"'
	"code": 200,
	"data": {
	"msg": "获取任务状态成功",
	"status": 200
	"mdfs": [
		"state": "任务处理完成",
		"src_url": "",
		"icon_url": "",
		"res_size": "1080x1366px 146KB"
errno	commit
9002	图片不存在
500	其他错误
    "code": 9000,
    "errno": 9002,
    "msg": "图片不存在,请确认图片是否上传成功"
URL /api/third/download
Method POST
Header token: 加密生成的token,加密规则见附1
field	type	required	commit
third_code	string	Y	线下申请的第三方标识third_code
mdf	string	Y	文件唯一标识
curl --location --request POST '' --header 'token: xxx' --form 'third_code="test"' --form 'mdf="9804b4cb5b4740fb26afde5f2831c0f5"'
field	commit
url	图片下载地址
	"code": 200,
	"data": {
	"url": ""
errno	commit
9002	图片不存在
500	其他错误
    "code": 9000,
    "errno": 9002,
    "msg": "数据已失效,请重新上传"
URL /api/third/company/nums
Method POST
Header token: 加密生成的token,加密规则见附1
field	type	required	commit
third_code	string	Y	线下申请的第三方标识third_code
curl --location --request POST 'XXXXX/api/third/company/nums' \
--header 'token: XXXXX' \
--form 'third_code="XXXXX"'
field	commit
code	第三方标识third_code
nums	剩余上传次数
    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "code": "hiliad",
        "nums": 98
errno	commit
9002	数据未找到
500	其他错误
    "code": 9000,
    "errno": 9002,
    "msg": "数据未找到"
    secret_key = 'hiliad'
    time = '1629962357'
2、secret_key + time,两字符串拼接,再md5,得到参数mds
    mds = hashlib.md5((secret_key + time).encode("utf8")).hexdigest()
    mds = '5484490c8e797dabe52af90ab8bd1e50'
3、最终的token等于 mds + ',' + time
    token = '5484490c8e797dabe52af90ab8bd1e50,1629962357'

Scan the QR code on WeChat to download HD images without watermarkPackage purchase